Friday, June 5, 2009

The Eddy Curry Project 06.05.09

Eddy and I have been working together for the last month. Along with Eddy we have JR Smith from the Nuggets, Rawle Marshall, Cavaliers, Eric Easter,training for his wrokout with the Knicks on the 14th. Ronald Howard, with the Bucks last year. College players Manny Haris, Pedi Simms, both from Michigan and Ilija Milutinovic and Keith Benson, from Oakland University and Mustapha Farrakhan from University of Virgina. I will give you guys the whole story but I had to include this clip from todays pool workout. We made a bet with Eddy that if he could shoot a basketball in the poolside basket from 5 lanes out we would end practice for the day. Checkout what happened...I think there's a commercial in here somewhere.